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More than half of adulterers admit they've stopped watching porn since having an affair.

Of the 88 12-13 year-olds asked in the North East, 27% said they'd seen pornographic images that had shocked or upset them and 34% thought that watching porn was a normal part of their lives.

We know from the young people who contact ChildLine that viewing porn is a part of everyday life, and our poll shows that one in five 12-13 year-olds think that watching porn is normal behaviour.

And almost one in five said they had seen porn that shocked or upset them.

That means the newly created BooDiGo will not direct netizens to pirated and virus-infected porn sites.

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In this new series, Tyger, 18, pictured, examines issues affecting young people today, starting with porn .

Jamie Pizzi, columnist at the Rollins College Sandspur said that as women have louder voices now, porn should be something they too can appreciate.

According to the NGO, shady tea shops and video parlours running in the Capital's underbelly are serving porn and drugs to slum kids who are deprived of education and healthy means of recreation.

As its popularity has skyrocketed and porn has found its niche on smartphones, more and more users have begun to struggle with what can actually be characterized as an addiction to pornographic images and websites.

Louis Theroux Here, Louis examines California's San Fernando Valley again and explores the psychological effects of having sex in public and on film, and discovers an industry in crisis due to free internet porn .